Ensures a reliable fermentation
Provides highest nutrient and DM retention
Improves aerobic stability
BONSILAGE PRO WS ensures a reliable fermentation process for whole plant corn and sorghum silages. The product rapidly lowers the pH level, and controlled acetic acid formation stabilizes the silage and reduces aerobic dry matter losses. Use BONSILAGE PRO WS to conserve valuable fermentable carbohydrates and enhance feed out quality.
Find detailed product information below.
- Lactobacillus plantarum quickly lowers the pH level by producing lactic acid in the beginning of the fermentation cycle
- Lactobacillus buchneri and Lactobacillus brevis release acetic acid to inhibit yeast and mold, which reduces the risk of reheating and the shrinkage that often occurs during feed out
- BONSILAGE PRO WS enhances fiber digestibility and helps retain dry matter and nutrient quality in your forage
Biological and water-soluble silage additive
At least 150,000 CFU/g fresh matter (FM) of forage
- Corn Silage: 28-38% DM
- Sorghum Silage: 28-38% DM
- Sorghum Sudan Grass Silage: 28-38% DM
Selected strains of homo- and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria
Lactobacillus buchneri, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus brevis, dextrose
Lactic acid bacteria not less than 1.36 x 10¹¹ CFU/g product
In conjunction with ISF and our Gut Hülsenberg agricultural research facility, we conduct extensive ensiling and feeding research and on-farm trials to ensure the highest level of performance from BONSILAGE products. BONSILAGE PRO WS raises the level of acetic acid, which extends the time silage can be used by protecting it from molds and yeasts.