Ensures aerobic stability after just a few days of fermentation
High palatability and digestibility
Proactive suppression of yeast and mold
Our premium inoculant BONSILAGE SPEED ensures a reliable fermentation process for whole plant corn, sorghum and small grain silages as well as high moisture corn and snaplage. After a rapid pH drop, Lb. diolivorans ensures the controlled and rapid formation of acetic acid, which provides a maximum level of protection against reheating. BONSILAGE SPEED improves the digestibility and energy density of the forage. The fast acetic acid formation results in aerobically stable silages after only a few days of fermentation.
Find detailed product information below.
- Lb. diolivorans is an entirely new heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria with a unique metabolism and fermentation pathways.
- Lb. diolivorans reduces the silo ripening time to a minimum, also ensuring lowest losses and highest energy content.
- Lb. buchneri reliably inhibits yeasts and molds which reduces the risk of reheating and shrinkage.
Biological and water-soluble silage additive
At least 300,000 CFU/g fresh matter (FM) of forage
- Corn and Sorghum Silage: 28-45% DM
- HMC/Snaplage: 55-75% DM
Selected strains of homo- and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria
Lactobacillus buchneri, Lactobacillus diolivorans, Pediococcus acidilactici and dextrose
Lactic acid bacteria not less than 2.72 x 10¹¹ CFU/g product
We conduct extensive on-farm research and feeding trials to ensure the highest level of performance from BONSILAGE products. Research trials show that BONSILAGE SPEED rapidly produces acetic acid in the silage, which lowers the number of yeast and thus the risk of reheating during feed out. Due to the unique mode of action of Lb. diolivorans silages treated with BONSILAGE SPEED reach aerobic stability after only 14 days of fermentation.