Quality and safety
Our company’s various quality certificates, including GMP+, QS, and ABCERT are independent evidence of its compliance with core quality standards. For both, us and our customers these quality certificates constitute an important link in a food production chain that focuses on quality.

GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance
The GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance (GMP+ FSA) is an international scheme to secure the animal food safety in all links in the animal feed chain.
Download certificate GMP+ FSA database
QS – Quality Assurance
QS-ID: 4048473748657
The QS quality scheme for food is an inspection scheme for food from farm to shop that is unique in Europe: since it was founded in 2001, it has been a byword for thorough inspections, reliable traceability and clear labelling of food you can trust.
QS database
ABCERT – Organic Farming
Distribution of animal feed for organic livestock farming in accordance with the European Organic Regulations (EC) No. 834/2007 and No. 889/2008 – controlled and certified by ABCERT AG, Esslingen, Germany (DE-ÖKO-006).
Download certificate ABCERT database